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Processing Industries

Processing refers to the various techniques and methods used to transform raw materials into finished products. Processing can include a wide range of activities, from simple physical treatments such as cleaning and sorting, to more complex chemical and mechanical processes.

Here are five examples of processing:

  1. Food processing: The techniques and methods used to transform raw agricultural products into finished food products, such as canning, freezing, and drying.
  2. Mineral processing: The techniques and methods used to extract valuable minerals and metals from ore, such as crushing, grinding, and separation.
  3. Textile processing: The techniques and methods used to transform raw fibers into finished textiles, such as spinning, weaving, and dyeing.
  4. Pharmaceutical processing: The techniques and methods used to produce drugs and other pharmaceutical products, such as formulation, compounding, and packaging.
  5. Oil and gas processing: The techniques and methods used to refine crude oil and natural gas into useful products such as gasoline, diesel, and propane.

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