Teaching Activities

The Ball Game: Induction Teaching Activity

Last updated 21 Oct 2023

This activity encourages team work and can be used to support the teaching of many concepts in microeconomics in both Year 12 and Year 13.

Some teachers choose to use the activity in both Year 12 and Year 13, to draw out different concepts. Others choose one or the other.

It is also possible to use the activity in Year 12 to help underpin the concept of the upwards sloping supply curve by linking with marginal cost – whilst this topic is commonly taught in detail in Year 13 microeconomics, some teachers find it helpful to teach the basics in Year 12.

In this way, students learn that supply curves are shaped by marginal costs, and when coupled with their knowledge that demand curves are shaped by marginal utility, this can then support better understanding of the externality diagrams later in Year 12 and efficiency in Year 13.

Download The Ball Game Activity

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