Teaching Activities

Markets in Action: Free Context Practice Mats for A-Level Economics


Last updated 17 May 2021

Our new series of Context Practice Mats provide A-Level Economics student with invaluable practice at applying their economics theory in context. Here is the first in the series - and it is available as a FREE download!

Context Practice Mats are designed to be printed out on A3-sized paper to maximise their utility for students.

The five mini-case studies in this first resource are on Markets in Action and enable students to explore the Economics of:

  • Coffee - an example of falling prices
  • Gold - an example of rising prices
  • Bitcoin - an example of speculative bubble and price crash
  • Oranges - an example of volatile prices
  • Rent in Paris - an example of maximum price

A full set of suggested answers to each activity is provided in the resource download.

Download this free tutor2u resource

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