Teaching Activities

Teaching Activity: Behavioural Economics SNAP!

AS, A-Level, IB
AQA, Edexcel, OCR, IB, Eduqas, WJEC

Last updated 17 May 2021

This activity is a great revision activity for the behavioural economics topic.

The resource contains a series of 48 cards, each of which contains a piece of information about or image of an example of something related to behavioural economics.

Students should be split into pairs or small groups, and the cards divided up equally between each student.

Each student should hold their pile of cards face down, and deal them one at a time face up in the middle of the group. If they can spot a behavioural economics connection between the card that has just been placed and the one placed previously then they should put their hand on the card pile and shout SNAP, before explaining the connection to the rest of the group. If the rest of the group agree that the connection is sound then the student who has shouted SNAP and given the explanation gets to keep all of the cards in the pile.

The winner is the student who ends up with all of the cards!

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