Quizzes & Activities

Macroeconomics - 'Test Yourself' activity looking at frequently misused key phrases

AQA, Edexcel, OCR, Eduqas, WJEC

Last updated 19 Feb 2019

This activity acts like an online set of flip cards for students to test their knowledge of key phrases for macroeconomics. In this 'Confusing Pairs' version, you are shown two phrases that are frequently misused by students in their exam answers. Do you know the difference between the two phrases? Can you avoid making the same mistake as other students?

In this activity you 'self-assess' - give yourself a 'tick' or a 'cross'. After finishing, you can review the answers that you got wrong.

The activity includes 30 pairs of frequently misused key phrases to test students approaching the end of their A level in Economics.

Microeconomics version here

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