Topic Videos

Growth and Development Economics – Country Profiles

AS, A-Level, IB
AQA, Edexcel, OCR, IB, Eduqas, WJEC

Last updated 24 Feb 2019

In this video we look at sources of timely data that students might use when building country profiles of emerging and developing nations that they are interested in as helpful preparation for A Level economics.

Growth and Development Economics – Country Profiles

In our example, we are able to complete the first page of a country profile sheet for Vietnam in just over fifteen minutes making use of Google Public Data from the IMF and World Bank, Trading Economics and also standard google search.

You don't need the most up to date figures, just timely data that gives you a great sense of the relative strengths and weaknesses of their position and perhaps some pointers as to the main challenges for demand and supply-side policies in supporting sustainable and inclusive growth and development.

Researching three or four emerging and developing countries with contrasting scores on a range of macro and development indicators (shown in the summary page below) is a great way for students to add context to their core notes and be able to use supporting data in an essay answer.

You can download the country profile sheet here Profile 2019 Template

Country profile for Vietnam

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