Study Notes

Development Barriers - Gender Inequalities

A-Level, IB
AQA, Edexcel, OCR, IB, Eduqas, WJEC

Last updated 1 Jan 2023

The unequal opportunities available to hundreds of millions of women around the world represent one of the biggest barriers to growth and development.

The economic impact of gender equality
The facts about gender equality and the Sustainable Development Goals

This study note draws heavily on a range of data on aspects of gender inequality made available by Our World In Data.

Aspects of gender inequality

  • No society can achieve its potential without the full and equal participation of women and men
  • 62 million girls are not in school. Pregnancy/poverty/early marriage are the main reasons for girls dropping out of school
  • Over 100 countries have at least one law that acts as a barrier to female participation in the labour market.
  • Across the globe women occupy, on average, 23% of parliamentary seats in 2016, up from 12% in 1997

Historical Gender Equality Index

Gender ratios for mean years of schooling

Fertility and female labour market participation

Short video resources on aspects of gender inequality as a barrier to development

Getting to Equal in Mongolia’s Labor Market: Women Speak Out
What’s Keeping Sri Lankan Women Out of the Workplace?

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