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AS Economics Exam Technique: A Quick Word on Demonstrating Application

AQA, Edexcel, OCR

Last updated 22 Mar 2021

Alongside the knowledge of the subject content, students of AS Economics must also demonstrate that they can apply economic concepts and theories to situations both familiar and unfamiliar.

With Data Description:

E.g. “Identify 2 points of comparison", “Identify 2 significant changes", “Compare 2 significant changes" or “Identify 2 significant features".

  • Two features should be clearly stated, ideally each in a separate paragraph
  • Each point should represent a significant feature of the data
  • A good answer provides overview, backed up by evidence from the data
  • Each feature identified must be supported by the use of relevant statistics
  • Use of data must be accurate, e.g. the units must be correctly stated (e.g. $s per capita)
  • No marks are awarded for candidates who just 'trawl' through the data – the instructions are to identify two
  • main/significant features of the data

For time series data, give an overview, i.e. “over the whole period the price of coffee rose by X%"

  • Do not try to explain the data! This is not what the question is asking – you will be wasting valuable time in the
  • exam and might struggle to complete the questions carrying the highest marks

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