In the News

UK FDI into China - Bicester Village Shows the Way!

Graham Watson

30th October 2016

Very few people know that Bicester Village is the 2nd most visited destination for Chinese tourists; however, the company that owns it has recently expanded into China too, gambling on the growth of the Chinese middle-class.

This is an excellent articleThis is an excellent article that highlights longer-term consumer trends: the size of China’s retail market is tipped to overtake the US for the first time this year, and as the head of Value Retail notes "By 2030 there will be 255m middle-class people…almost most equal to the entire US population.”

Worth a punt, then?

Graham Watson

Graham Watson has taught Economics for over twenty years. He contributes to Tutor2U, reads voraciously and is interested in all aspects of Teaching and Learning.

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