In the News

Meet Digit - Amazon's Customer Fulfilment Robot

Geoff Riley

20th October 2023

Amazon has been a pioneer in implementing automation. They have stated that the goal is not to replace employees but to improve efficiency. The arrival of Digit in fulfilment warehouses reported here in the Guardian raises questions about the labour-capital mix in the near future.

The extent of employee displacement as businesses like Amazon bring robots into their warehouses will depend on various factors, including the specific technologies implemented, the rate of adoption, the nature of the work, and the overall economic and regulatory context. Here are some key considerations:

  1. Type of Work: The impact of automation on employee displacement largely depends on the type of work being automated. In warehouses, routine, repetitive tasks like packing, sorting, and moving goods are more susceptible to automation. Jobs that require complex decision-making, dexterity, or human interaction are less likely to be automated in the near term.
  2. Technology Adoption Rate: The pace at which businesses adopt robotic automation can vary widely. Some companies may choose a gradual approach, integrating robots alongside human workers, while others may opt for rapid and extensive automation. The speed of adoption will influence the rate of employee displacement.
  3. Job Transformation: Instead of complete displacement, some workers may experience job transformation. They may be retrained to work alongside robots, manage and maintain the automation systems, or take on more skilled roles. This can reduce the negative impact on employment.
  4. Economic Considerations: Economic factors, such as labour costs, the cost of automation technology, and potential cost savings, will play a significant role in determining the pace and scale of automation. Businesses may choose automation to remain competitive, reduce costs, or improve productivity.
  5. Regulatory and Social Factors: Government policies, labor regulations, and public sentiment can influence the extent of employee displacement. Regulations may encourage or discourage automation, and public attitudes toward automation can shape business decisions.
  6. Geographical Variation: The impact of automation on employee displacement can vary by region. Some areas may see more rapid adoption due to factors like labor costs, while others may lag behind.
  7. New Job Creation: While automation may displace some jobs, it can also create new job opportunities in areas like robotics maintenance, software development, and technical support. The net impact on employment can depend on the balance between job displacement and job creation.
  8. Collaborative Robotics: Some businesses are adopting collaborative robots (cobots) designed to work alongside human workers. These robots are intended to enhance human productivity rather than replace workers, potentially minimizing displacement.

In the case of Amazon, the company has been a pioneer in implementing warehouse automation, with a mix of human workers and robots. They have stated that the goal is not to replace employees but to improve efficiency. However, the exact impact on employee displacement will depend on Amazon's ongoing strategies and the evolution of automation technologies.

In summary, while the introduction of robots into warehouses may lead to some employee displacement, it is not a uniform or predetermined outcome. The extent of displacement will depend on multiple factors and can be influenced by a combination of technological, economic, regulatory, and social dynamics. It is important for businesses and governments to consider these factors when planning and regulating the adoption of automation in the workplace.

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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