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Industry Profile - The Student Rented Accommodation Market

Geoff Riley

24th April 2023

In the latest of our industry profiles, we look at the rapid growth of the private purpose built student accommodation market. With operating costs rising, what will happen to businesses building and operating private rental properties for students? And what are the consequences of high inflation in rents on students. To what extent, if at all, should the government intervene in this market? We include ten revision questions on this exam case study.

Industry Profile - The Student Rented Accommodation Market
  1. What factors affect market demand for student rental accommodation?
  2. Examine factors that influence the price elasticity of demand for rooms
  3. What factors affect market supply for student rental housing in the UK?
  4. Examine factors that influence price elasticity of supply for new rental housing
  5. Using supply and demand analysis, explain why rental charges are rising in the UK
  6. Using cost and revenue curve analysis, examine factors that might cause a change in the profits of construction firms in the student rental sector
  7. What economies of scale might a business such as Unite Group plc achieve?
  8. Why do student rent prices differ between regions / towns & cities in the UK?
  9. Identify potential causes of market failure in the student rental housing industry
  10. To what extent should the government intervene to make renting more affordable?

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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