Teaching activity

In the News Teaching Activity: The Market for British Apples (Oct 2023)

Elizabeth Veal

26th October 2023

According to the British Apples & Pears website, in 2023 an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but costs for suppliers have risen.

Have a go at this free teaching activity, which includes a downloadable worksheet and suggested answers.

October marked the start of the UK apple season and there are a range of factors that have influenced both the supply and demand for apples in 2023.

In this article, apple growers do not expect a bumper harvest this year but believe weather conditions have been good for the taste and quality of British apples. Meanwhile, drought conditions last year have affected supply and producers have also faced higher energy and storage costs. Some orchards are even being uprooted and cleared for alternative uses. However, apples growers may benefit from TV and Radio presenter, Michael Moseley, promoting the health benefits of consuming an apple a day.

Sunniest June for 66 years brings great tasting new season British apples (britishapplesandpears.co.uk)

Read the article and then answer the following questions.

  1. Read the article to explain how the supply for apples has shifted in 2023.
  2. Read the article to explain how the demand for apples has shifted in 2023.
  3. Using a demand and supply diagram, explain what you would expect to happen to British apple prices this autumn. Explain your diagram fully.

Download the worksheet and suggested answers

Elizabeth Veal

Liz has taught Economics for over 25 years, including several years as Head of Economics at leading schools.

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