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IMF predicts Economic Growth rates for 2018 - 'Dial Up' activity

Jonny Clark

26th January 2018

The IMF have released their latest figures predicting economic growth rates around the world (as well as predicting a change in overall World output) for 2018. You can see the latest figures here.

Here's an activity that students may like to undertake either as homework or if they have access to the internet in class. It asks players to try and work out the predicted economic growth rate for the G7 countries, Russia and China as well as the change in overall world output.

For each of the countries, players must use the onscreen dial to state what level of growth may be seen this year. Whatever figure they put they will keep that number as their score as long as it does not exceed the actual predicted figure from the IMF (if they exceed that number they score zero). The highest possible score is 25.5 (the combined growth rates of all 9 countries plus the world output growth). How close can they get to that score?

Jonny Clark

Jon Clark has been teaching economics and business studies for over 25 years primarily in the Further Education sector. Before joining tutor2u, he was a senior manager at South Cheshire College in Crewe.

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