In the News

How China's BYD Overtook Tesla

Graham Watson

7th January 2024

This is a fascinating insight into the rise of BYD, and how collaboration between the firm and the Chinese government have allowed it to overtake Tesla.

The estimated $30bn in tax exemptions since 2010, with the prospect of more to come means that the company has been a massive beneficiary of this. Equally, the fact that BYD sells 10 models for less than Tesla's cheapest car, gives it access to low-to-middle income consumers - the average BYD car is half the price of the average Tesla as a result of the extent to which the company is vertically integrated and the degree to which is makes its own batteries.

As a result, is it the case that the Chinese have stolen a march in the EV sector.

Graham Watson

Graham Watson has taught Economics for over twenty years. He contributes to tutor2u, reads voraciously and is interested in all aspects of Teaching and Learning.

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