
How and why do economies benefit from fixing inequality? [Year 13 Enrichment Task]

Penny Brooks

11th June 2020

Inequality has been an inescapable issue in the news this week. In the midst of the continuing reports about racial inequality, not only in the US but also in the UK and many other countries, the UK's Social Mobility Commission has reported this week on progress towards achieving greater social mobility in order to reduce inequality and promote wider economic growth.

Therefore, this week's Enrichment Task for Year 13 students asks them to write a report explaining the economic importance of social mobility, and suggesting policies which the UK government could use to make greater progress on each of those areas, with the title How and Why do economies benefit from fixing inequality? The document below contains links to a number of sources which will provide the background to this task. The report may include specific reference to racial inequality, but should include other sources of inequality as well in order to be comprehensive. It must be strongly grounded in practical applications of economic theory, with indications of how those policies should be funded and the opportunity costs of that funding, and extended analysis of why each policy would be expected to result in an improvement to social mobility and to the economy as a whole.

Yr 13 9 How And Why Economies Benefit From Fixing Inequality

Penny Brooks

Formerly Head of Business and Economics and now Economics teacher, Business and Economics blogger and presenter for Tutor2u, and private tutor

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