In the News

Brexit Update: How has Brexit changed trading between the EU and the UK?

Graham Watson

30th December 2021

This BBC clip looks at how Brexit has affected trade between the EU and the UK.

It notes that Dutch firms that used to freely export to the UK will require physical checks, and although the large companies featured remain committed to the UK market, the same isn't as true for smaller firms

How has Brexit changed trading between the EU and the UK?

And here is one for the costs of Brexit file - New Year's Day will see European steelmakers having a 25% cost advantage over their UK rivals when exporting to the USA.

Tariffs on EU steel are being removed; those on UK steel remain. UK exports to the US have halved since the introduction of tariffs un 2018, but Penny Mordaunt would want us to believe that this has had nothing to do with Brexit, much as queues on Kent motorways, a shortage of lorry drivers and fuel and energy crises have nothing to do with Brexit.

The Financial Times has a relevant article here: Businesses struggle to prepare for UK’s post-Brexit import controls

Graham Watson

Graham Watson has taught Economics for over twenty years. He contributes to tutor2u, reads voraciously and is interested in all aspects of Teaching and Learning.

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