In the News

Are UK managers paid too much?

Graham Watson

26th February 2023

Phillip Inman's piece for the Observer looks at one of my favourite topics, executive pay.

In it, he argues that it seems odd the British bosses are so well paid when British productivity is 20-30% lower than their European counterparts. Thus, he argues that those bosses earning sizeable bonuses are effectively benefitting from circumstances beyond their control. Who would have thought it?

And he's also of the view that tackling bad management is one of the biggest challenges facing whoever is going to form the next government.

Please read: Bad managers on brilliant pay: that’s why the UK’s not working (Phillip Inman)

The rise of the purposeful business

Is there the prospect of an investment-led British boom? Certainly, Will Hutton thinks so arguing that the City and government might join forces and create a joint wealth fund targeting investment in businesses with a social purpose.

And what's generating this apparently altruistic approach - well, Brexit, indirectly, with the sector looking for ways to invest that don't involve Europe.

Please read: Battered by Brexit, alarmed by poverty, the City is finding a new sense of purpose (Will Hutton)

Graham Watson

Graham Watson has taught Economics for over twenty years. He contributes to tutor2u, reads voraciously and is interested in all aspects of Teaching and Learning.

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