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LEGO’s current objective – discourage people from buying their stuff!!

Michael Albanese

13th September 2016

I found this perfect article from The Hustle (click here for the article, and here to subscribe to their great daily emails) about how LEGO have reduced marketing in order to decrease sales and give them some all-important “breathing space” whilst they invest in future expansion into new markets. It’s a great way to introduce short-term “costs” for long-term gain and how, as LEGO are still a family-owned business, they don’t have to satisfy shareholders with short-term growth.

If, like me, students are intrigued and want to build (pun intended) on their knowledge about LEGO’s near bankruptcy and subsequent return to form, then this interesting 2009 Daily Mail article (yes, it surprised me too) gives some great detail and together, they touch on almost all of the AQA Y2 spec, specifically:

  • Mission Statements, aims and objectives
  • External factors: economic change
  • Globalisation
  • Innovation
  • Change in scale
  • Retrenchment
  • Managing change
  • Organisational culture
  • Motivation

A great task would be to ask students to read the articles and then cross-reference them with the specification, helping them to see the real-world relevance of what their studying.

Hope it helps

Michael Albanese

Assistant Curriculum Lead for Business and Law at Solihull Sixth Form College

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