Teaching activity

Introducing Topic Plus PowerPoints for Edxcel GCSE Business (9-1) - Theme 1

Michelle Stephenson

11th September 2017

We’ve introduced a brand new resource genre to our portfolio of GCSE teaching and learning resources to support the new specification – the Topic Plus PowerPoint Presentations.

These PowerPoints have been designed to cover the content for Theme 1. They include links to useful articles, video clips, independent and group activities plus knowledge checks and PowerPoint games to test knowledge and understanding. Each series of PowerPoints uses real business examples to draw out the key content for each topic.

Michelle Stephenson

Michelle Stephenson has been teaching business and education for over 20 years in the UK and overseas. At her previous college she was an advanced practitioner with responsibilities for implementing strategies to support effective teaching and learning. Experienced examiner and presenter on teacher CPD and student events.

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