In the News

Greggs - Scone, but not forgotten!

Graham Prior

22nd October 2016

Greggs, the (very) popular bakery chain has decided to stop selling scones across all of its 1,700 shops across the country and its customers aren't impressed.

Greggs, which has sold scones for several decades has made the decision to remove them completely as it looks to reposition its product offer and move away from from baked goods to more trendy food-on-the go items as well as its rising emphasis on more healthy food options.

The bakery is also moving towards more wraps and burrito's as it switches it emphasis away from sausage rolls and pasties. Greggs even announced that they may stop selling freshly baked loaves

This move is gold dust for business students as it appears that the Boston Matrix has reared its head once more as Greggs say that demand for scones, in their stores at least, has fallen considerably.

Has the humble scone become a dog for Greggs? Low market share in a low growth market?

It looks to be the case as Greggs looks towards a more balanced product portfolio.

Graham Prior

Graham is an experienced teacher, examiner, moderator and lover of education with a passion for teaching and learning.

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