Secularisation is commonly defined as the decline of religion and the loss of religions influence over state issues. Many sociologists argue that secularisation has occurred within the modern world due to the increase of scientific and rational thought, which provides alternative explanations of existential questions. Positivists argue that scientific and rational thought has provided an alternative metanarrative by explaining the functions and phenomena of the world. For example; traditional religions would explain disease in terms of god punishing the individual, whilst scientific and medical knowledge explain the existence of disease due to poverty and lack of education.
Global Levels of Religiosity in 2024: A Contemporary Overview
24th January 2025
Multi-faith Peace Walk
14th February 2024
Secularisation in the UK: Is Collective Worship Archaic?
15th November 2023
Our First Secular Christmas?
18th December 2023
Deep Dive Into "Any Other Religion": Part Two (Humanism)
2nd March 2023
Are you a Christian if you can't tell the Christmas story?
17th February 2023
The Big Reveal: Religion data from the census is available!
18th January 2023
Max Weber is alive and well and living in Guatemala City
22nd November 2022
Religious Switching in the USA
4th October 2022
Stark and Bainbridge on Religion
Topic Videos
Church Connection
25th October 2019
Globalisation & Religious Belief
Study Notes
Secularisation - Explained
Study Notes