Teaching Activities
Teaching Activity: Happy Families & Households
- Level:
- A-Level
- Board:
Last updated 19 Oct 2021
This is a great activity to use when you want to review the different types of family and household presented in AQA A-level Sociology and identify research relating to that area of the specification.

There are 8 different households in the pack. Like the classic game of Happy Families, students aim to collect all 4 members of the family.
Students take turns to ask the person on the right if they have a member of a family – e.g. the Nuclears, the Singletons, etc. If the person does have a member of that family, they must ask the question on the card. If the student gets the correct answer, they win the card. If they do not, their turn is over. If the person on the right does not have a card from that family, the student must pick up a card from the pile that is face down.
Once a student has all four cards in a family or household, they may place the family face up in the centre. The winner is the first to get rid of all of their cards!
Download: Teaching Activity: Happy Families & Households
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