In the News

Modern Crime: Drug Dealing and the Dark Web

Adam Walton

19th October 2017

As part of the new AQA specification we must deal with globalisation and the impacts it has had on the interconnectedness of societies.

The BBC published an interesting article about drug dealers that have been caught. What makes these dealers different is that they were using the dark web to sell drugs. Therefore, this would be a great example for pupils to use to understand how these drug dealers are now using modern technology to enhance their potential of trade. Adding to the argument that this is why it is increasingly difficult to place a value on drug trade within the global context as newer and more interesting methods are used to conceal their identity and help their business grow.

Within the lesson it would be great to print the article off and let the pupils discuss and apply the principles of globalisation to this. Hopefully, the eventual discussion should be why this is a useful method and how does this demonstrate globalisation has happened. Ultimately, these methods are brilliant as they allow individuals to earn substantial amounts of money whilst escaping the clutches of mainstream social control agencies.


Adam Walton

Adam is an energetic, enthusiastic and passionate teacher of Sociology and Psychology at a Grammar School in Kent. He is a creative teacher who loves creating innovative ways to teach Sociology and Psychology (often through dance). He is also the Head of PSHE and Citizenship

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