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Example Answer for Question 18 Paper 2: AS Psychology, June 2017 (AQA)

AS, A-Level

Last updated 22 May 2017

Section C - Research Methods

Question 18: Explain [2 Marks] - Mean

Suggested Answer: The mean is the most appropriate measure of central tendency because it considers the entire data set (for Task A and B). This means that the mean is more representative of the data set. Furthermore, as this is a repeated measures experiment and the researchers are comparing the differences found within the participants, it is important to examine the entire data set.

Alternatively (here's one for the year 2 students to think about), the mean is an appropriate measure of central tendency because the data collected in the follow-up study was ratio data (the time taken in seconds to complete the puzzle) and the mean can only be used with interval or ratio data.

Please Note: These answers have been produced without the knowledge of the mark scheme and merely reflect my attempt at producing a model answer on the day of the exam. These answers are not endorsed or approved by AQA.

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