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Example Answer for Question 15 Paper 1: A Level Psychology, June 2017 (AQA)


Last updated 25 Apr 2018

Section C – Attachment: Q15 [5 Marks]

Institutionalisation can have a number of effects on physical, intellectual and emotional well-being. Therefore, I would advise Anca’s parents that one of the effects of institutionalisation is an attachment style called ‘disinhibited attachment’. Anca might develop a form of attachment where she does not discriminate between different people. Anca’s parents might expect to see Anca treat strangers in an overly friendly way because of her disinhibited attachment.

Another effect is intellectual under functioning. I would advise Anca’s parents to expect slower cognitive development which might mean that Anca struggles at school and does not keep up (academically) with her peers of the similar age.

Finally, one more effect of institutionalisation is physical underdevelopment. I would advise Anca’s parents to expect Anca to be physically smaller which could be the result of poor nourishment and/or poor emotional care which can lead to deprivation dwarfism.

Please Note: These answers have been produced without the knowledge of the mark scheme and merely reflect my attempt at producing a model answer on the day of the exam.

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