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The Top 10 Psychology Studies of 2016

Joseph Sparks

18th January 2017

An article in this week’s Trendintech lists their top 10 psychology and brain science studies of 2016.

In no particular order, the research includes:

  • Better Brain Capacity
  • Why a Sugar Habit is So Hard to Break
  • How Sleep Affects the Brain
  • How Art Can Alleviate Stress and Anxiety
  • Old Time Memory Hacks are Best
  • Marijuana Compounds Could Help Alzheimer’s Patients
  • Finding Genetic Links to Happiness and Depression
  • Facebook’s Effect on How the Brain Manages Relationships
  • Painkillers May Enhance Chronic Pain
  • Walking is Medicine for the Brian
To read the full article and more information about each of these studies, click here.

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Joseph Sparks

Joseph is a Subject Advisor for Psychology at tutor2u. He is an experienced Psychology & Music Teacher, Writer, Examiner and Presenter. He is currently completing a Professional Doctorate in Education and is passionate about the impact of technology on teaching and learning.

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