Teaching activity

STEM Starter: Explanations of Attachment

Joseph Sparks

12th January 2017

This week's STEM Starter describes the relationship baby George has with his mother Kate and father William.

Two application questions are provided:

  • Short-Answer: Use Bowlby’s Theory of Attachment to explain why George is attached to his mother Kate, even though she doesn’t see him for two to three weeks at a time. (4 marks)
  • Essay: Use Learning Theory to discuss how George became attached to his mother Kate. (12 marks AS, 16 marks A-Level)

STEM Starter

To download this week's STEM Starter, click here.

Teacher Resources

Joseph Sparks

Joseph is a Subject Advisor for Psychology at tutor2u. He is an experienced Psychology & Music Teacher, Writer, Examiner and Presenter. He is currently completing a Professional Doctorate in Education and is passionate about the impact of technology on teaching and learning.

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