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Best UK Universities for Psychology If You Achieve Three Cs

Dennis Relojo

14th October 2016

Following our list of the Top 10 UK Universities for Psychology for students achieving AAA and BBB, we have now compiled a list of the top 10 UK Universities for Psychology if you achieve CCC.

1) University of Bedfordshire - Apart from the main undergraduate BSc (Hons) Psychology course, Bedfordshire offers courses covering specific topics in psychology for those wishing to focus on applied areas such as health psychology, forensic psychology and counselling psychology, all of which are accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS) and confer the Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership.

2) Bournemouth University - When you study psychology with Bournemouth, you'll be learning from world-leading researchers in fields such as face blindness, neuropsychology and clinical psychology and will have the opportunity to get involved in various research projects. They also have excellent equipment in their testing suite, where you can conduct your own research, as well as act as a subject in other students' research projects.

3) University of Bradford- The Division of Psychology at Bradford has a number of dedicated laboratories which support psychology teaching and research. Lab-based practicals give you the opportunity to participate in and organise psychological research. The Division has an active work experience opportunities scheme designed to assist students in gaining experience while studying.

4) University of Brighton - The University offers cutting-edge modules in applied psychology, a voluntary work placement in the local community and opportunities to explore other areas of social science. Altogether, they provide a distinctive academic environment in which the curious and critical psychologist can develop and flourish.

5) University of Central Lancashire - The School of Psychology offers a blend of theory and practice to prepare our students for the real world, with teaching by staff with national and international reputations, who are conducting cutting-edge research that ensures that their courses are contemporary and relevant to the future employment of their students.

6) Kingston University - The Department of Psychology at Kingston is a vibrant centre that conducts highly-rated research, fosters intellectual discussions and provides an excellent teaching and learning environment for a diverse student community. It brings together an energetic team of academics with internationally recognised expertise in the basic and applied aspects of psychological research.

7) Northumbria University - The Department of Psychology demonstrates a commitment to excellence, manifest in first-class teaching and learning underpinned by high quality research and promoting business facing professional engagement. With well-respected courses accredited by the BPS, students benefit from teaching informed by the latest research from Northumbria’s world-renowned research centres which have delivered more than £5 million of externally funded research in the last five years.

8) University of Roehampton - Gain a strong scientific understanding of the mind, brain, and human behaviour at Roehampton, where 100 per cent of its research is rated “world leading” or “internationally excellent” for its impact. Join its Psychology community to collaborate with leading experts and practitioners in mental health, the play therapies, counselling and psychotherapy.

9) Teesside University - Studying psychology at Teesside University develops your practical skills as well as your theoretical understanding. Whether you are interested in counselling or cognition, forensic or health, their diverse range of expertise can support your interests. Teesside staff have strong links with professional organisations, locally and nationally.

10) London South Bank University- The School of Applied Sciences at London South Bank University has a thriving community of scholars and students, who are supported by a rich educational environment and committed to academic excellence. Its academics don’t just teach the facts, but pass on their knowledge, enthusiasm and experience.

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Dennis Relojo

Dennis manages Psychreg, an online resource in psychology and allied fields. He also works as a Learning Support Coach for South Essex College. He holds an MSc in Research Methods in Psychology from the University of Hertfordshire.

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