In the News

Break the Silence, But Not with Stereotyping

Laura Swash

21st December 2016

We know that talking about our problems with a good friend or a counsellor can work wonders; we know that stereotyping people with mental health problems as violent, incompetent and “not like us” is discriminatory; we know that silence about mental health is worse. Yet we often do all three. This is what led comedian Ian Boldsworth to set up The Mental Podcast. He was nervous about doing it, as you can read here but went ahead anyway, and is glad he did.

Ian used a narrative interview technique to interview people who had mental health issues, including those who had been compulsorily hospitalised, for a series of six podcasts. Dip into these for an insider view on mental health.

'Release 229/365' by JustCallMe_♥Bethy♥_is licensed under CC BY 2.0 (flickr)

Laura Swash

Laura has been teaching Psychology in the face-to-face classroom and online for many years and she enjoys writing online academic material and blogs.

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