Teaching activity
The Iceberg Higher or Lower challenge - voter turnouts for UK General Elections

18th April 2016
Here's a fun lesson starter from the furtive imagination of regular contributor Scott Thomas. This one is a variation on our Higher and Lower game that involves the whole class. The class are presented with the voter turnout at the 2015 General Election and must decide whether they think that the previous election had a turnout rate that was higher or lower. Dependant on your class room or group of students you can ask students to move to a part of the room that you say means 'higher' and another that means 'lower' or just show their hands to indicate their answer.
If they get the answer wrong, they are out of the quiz. If they are right they can keep going and judge whether the previous General Election after 2010 has a higher or lower turnout.
Can anyone stay in the game for all 6 General Elections?
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