
Heads up - TV and film

Mike McCartney

1st September 2021

Three great things to watch for Politics students to fill up the final moments of the holidays

First up is a fit I came across on Amazon, starring Adam Driver. The Report, unsurprisingly, is a about a report. But this report was an investigation into dark ops and the use of torture after 9/11.

7.2 on IMDB.

On a related note, there was an excellent BBC documentary (the second in a series) on 9/11. This one looks at the reaction to the events of that day within the inner sanctum of the George Bush White House. The fact that everyone who was anyone at senior levels of the administration was interviewed is remarkable. I am no TV reviewer, but it got 5/5 stars in the paper.

Link to iPlayer is here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/...

Lastly, a dramatisation of investigation that led to the conviction of some of the gang suspected of the horrific murder Stephen Lawrence in South London in early 1990s. I watched all three episodes back to back.

Watch here on the ITVHub: https://www.itv.com/hub/stephe...

Official trailer for The Report

Mike McCartney

Mike is an experienced A-Level Politics teacher, author and examiner.

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