In the News

George Galloway wins the Rochdale by-election

Mike McCartney

1st March 2024

But how 'stunning' a victory was it?

Watch the video clip from Sky News for an update on last night's events

What does the top elections guru, Professor John Curtice have to say?

Possible questions:

1. What factors contributed to Mr. Galloway's success in the election?

2. How did Labour's decision to disown its candidate impact the election results?

3. Why did Labour's vote collapse in this election?

4. How did Mr. Galloway's track record influence the outcome of the election?

5. What role did the Muslim population play in the election results?

6. How did Mr. Sunak's performance compare to previous conservative candidates in the same seat?

7. What impact did independent candidate David Tully have on the election dynamics in Rochdale?

Suggested answers:

1. Mr. Galloway's success was partly due to Labor's decision to disown its candidate and his appeal to constituencies with large Muslim populations.

2. Labor's decision to disown its candidate in Rochdale following alleged anti-semitic remarks paved the way for Mr. Galloway's victory.

3. Labor's vote collapsed significantly in this election, marking the biggest drop in labor support in a post-war byelection.

4. Mr. Galloway's track record of doing well in constituencies with large Muslim populations played a significant role in his success.

5. The concerns among the Muslim community about events in the Middle East, particularly Gaza, influenced the election results.

6. Mr. Sunak's performance saw a significant drop in conservative votes, the biggest in a labor-held seat in this Parliament.

7. Independent candidate David Tully effectively expressed the discontent of people in Rochdale, impacting the election dynamics along with Mr. Galloway and Mr. Sunak.

Mike McCartney

Mike is an experienced A-Level Politics teacher, author and examiner.

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