In the News

George Galloway and Workers Party GB look set to win Rochdale

Mike McCartney

27th February 2024

Raises the question again about the role of third parties in UK politics

George Galloway, who became something of a bete noire for the party he used to represent look set to inflict another defeat on Labour this week.

Here he is out on the campaign...

What is the main thrust of Galloway's campaign speech?

Why is he is so intent on focusing on this issue?

In what way is Galloway's party operating almost like a pressure group?

Read more detail about the campaign in Rochdale if you are unsure of the questions above. See, for example, this link to a Guardian article from the weekend.

For a more in-depth analysis on this site on the role of third parties in UK politics, see this article here.

Mike McCartney

Mike is an experienced A-Level Politics teacher, author and examiner.

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