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Fascinating article by Simon Tisdall in the Observer on the geopolitics of Ukraine

Mike McCartney

4th April 2022

A must read for students of Global Politics!

The piece analyses the complex geo-politics surrounding the reaction by various nations, and supranational and inter-governmental bodies, to the Ukraine crisis:

"How long will the western democracies maintain present levels of support for Ukraine? The war’s economic impact, already manifesting itself through spiralling inflation and living costs, could have seriously negative political consequences for elected leaders in the US, Germany, France and the UK. If public willingness to make difficult sacrifices diminishes in the months ahead and the conflict slips off the front pages, will they stay the course?"

We know the end game is negotiations, and a treaty. That is how all wars end. But Tisdall's article is a salutary reminder that domestic politics often trumps concerns about what the (preferable) fair or humanitarian course of action might be.

Read it in full here.

Mike McCartney

Mike is an experienced A-Level Politics teacher, author and examiner.

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