Topic Videos

Quadratic Graphs Revision Videos

AQA, Edexcel, OCR

Last updated 22 Mar 2021

Quadratic Graphs are graphs of functions where you have an x2 term. You may be asked to plot them accurately by using a table of values or to sketch them using algebraic rearrangement to find selected points (including the turning point and y and x intercepts)

Plotting a quadratic graph

A thorough step by step guide to finding the coordinates of points on the graph by completing a table of values.

GCSE Tutorial Plotting Quadratic Graphs Higher and Foundation (Ukmathsteacher)

Finding the turning point by completing the square

Blackandwhitemaths brings us a sketching quadratics video which has four worked examples. You will learn how to find the turning point by completing the square.

Sketching Quadratics

Video relating the graph of the curve with the quadratic formula

A nice insight into how the elements of the quadratic formula can be interpreted to help sketch a quadratic graph.

c1 sketching quadratics 1 (Mathslegends)

Mr Hegarty sketches quadratics

Sketch a fully labelled quadratic with Mr Hegarty. The same equation with turning point solved in two different ways.

Sketch a fully labelled quadratic graph (HEGARTYMATHS)

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