Topic Videos

Transforming Graphs Revision Videos

AQA, Edexcel, OCR

Last updated 22 Mar 2021

Here the hard work has been done for you. We've searched the internet for the best revision videos on transforming graphs, leaving you more time to revise!

The first videos are slow paced, breaking down each aspect of the topic, and building up your skill with worked examples. While the last video is a quick overview of the topic with some questions to solidify your understanding.

Be careful when revising this topic as the GCSE syllabus (2015 Specification, first examination in summer 2017) does not include stretching and compressing graphs. Only revise what you need, so best sticking to these handpicked videos below.

Translating in the Y-direction, y= f(x) ± a

A nice and clear video covering translations in the y-direction. Make sure you don't fall down at the first hurdle and get confused with what's f(x), just remember y= f(x) and you'll be sorted.

Translations in the y-direction (Hegarty Maths)

Translations in X-direction, y= f(x ± a)

This is the trickiest aspect of the transforming graphs topic, it may seem counter-intuitive, but this video uses tables of values and worked examples to make this concept easier to understand.

Translations in the x-direction (Hegarty Maths)

Reflections in the X and Y-axis

Short and simple with worked examples, what more could you want!

Reflections in the x and y-axis (Exam Solutions)

Quick Overview with Questions

The first 4 minutes of this video reviews reflections and translations in x and y-direction, while the remainder solidifies your knowledge on transforming graphs with some questions.

Quick Overview with Questions (Corbett Maths)

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