Topic Videos

Angles in Triangles and Quadrilaterals Revision Videos

AQA, Edexcel, OCR

Last updated 10 Jul 2018

Knowing how to calculate angles in a triangle and a quadrilateral is essential because it is always tested in some form in the Mathematics GCSE. Thankfully it's not the most complex of topics and watching these videos will help if you need a refresher.

Jack Brown explains the process of finding missing angles in a triangle. You must be able to do this whichever tier you will be doing, it always features somewhere.

GCSE Maths from Scratch 18.02a Angles in a Triangle - Jack Brown

The difficulty increases when they throw in some Algebra. Follow the steps in this video to learn how to solve these harder angle questions.

GCSE Maths from Scratch 18.02b Angles in a Triangle with Algebra - Jack Brown

More practice questions where you need to find a missing angle in a triangle. Here corbettmaths takes you through the types of questions you might see on a GCSE paper.

Angles in a Triangle - corbettmaths

All the types of quadrilateral are explored by cobettmaths in this video.

Angles in a Quadrilateral - corbettmaths

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