Topic Videos

Angles in Polygons Revision Videos

AQA, Edexcel, OCR

Last updated 14 Aug 2017

There's plenty to learn on the topic of 'angles in polygons'. You will need to be able to work these questions out by using the number of triangles each shape contains and by using a formula. Plenty of practice is the key so let's get started with these videos

Here's a video that looks into interior and exterior angles of polygons, how to calculate them and then looks at some GCSE style questions

Angles in Polygons - Corbettmaths

Here's a video that looks at a harder GCSE question, have a look at the question and pause the video while you attempt to answer it. RawMaths takes us through the solution, make sure you understand how to do this as this is a very typical type of question on the higher tier.

Angles in Polygons (exterior & interior) GCSE Maths revision Exam paper practice & help - RawMaths

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