Study Notes

Growth of Industry in Germany


Last updated 3 Sept 2018

Once unified, German industrial effort increased significantly. This increase in industrial effort was significantly increased under Wilhelm II. Germany managed to increase the output of steel and the steel industry in Germany became one of the leading global industries. Germany also saw large improvements in the chemical and electrical industries. Germany, by the eve of the First World War was producing a third of the global electrical goods.

To support the industrial growth in Germany, there was an increase in the German population. By the time of the First World War, the German population had reached just short of 70 million. This was an increase of around 30 million from 1871 when the population of Germany hung around the 40 million mark. This increase in population provided a substantial increase in the working population which allowed the German industrial growth to succeed. The rapid growth in population did cause some problems for Germany during the period. In order to feed the large number of people, Germany had to increase the imports of food from other countries.

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