Study Notes

Weimar and Nazi Germany (1918-1939): Culture in Nazi Germany

AQA, Edexcel, OCR

Last updated 15 Jul 2024

The Nazis believed that many of the cultural revolutions that had occurred during the Weimar Republic were wrong and immoral. As such they placed great importance on culture which supported their ideals.

Culture which showcased the story of Germany and complemented the ideas of self sacrifice, family values and the superiority of the German race were prized, whilst ideas contrary to this were restricted or removed.

Culture, therefore, like many things in Germany, was heavily controlled. The Reich Chamber of Culture opened in 1933 and was controlled by Goebbels and the Propaganda Ministry. They effectively policed the culture in Nazi Germany and ensured it met the ideas of Nazi beliefs. They controlled art, architecture, music, film and literature. Artists had to register wit the Chamber of Culture who granted licences. If an artist did not have an license then they were forbidden to produce or sell their artwork.

The Nazis also removed any art work from galleries which did not fit with their ideals. These moves were supported by the Gestapo who kept artists in check with visits to studios and galleries to check that work was being produced in accordance with their wishes.

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