Study Notes

Early Elizabethan England (1558-1588): Court in Elizabethan Government

AQA, Edexcel, OCR, Eduqas

Last updated 15 Jul 2024

Court was a central part of the Elizabethan Government. It centred around the Queen and provided both advice and entertainment to the monarch.

To be part of the Royal Court was a great honour and could only be bestowed by the Queen herself.

Court was made up the Queen, key members of her household, and the most important people from the English nobility. Occasionally court would have foreign members including visiting ambassadors or other monarchs when the occasion was right.

The Court would follow the Queen around, wherever she chose to stay. Due to Elizabeth’s love of the arts including theatre, music and dance, Court became the centre of entertainment and culture. Elizabeth would listen to tales of explorers and discoveries as well as performances of the latest plays.

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