In the News

Paris talks on immigration

Joanne Parkinson

28th August 2017

Emmanuel Macron is meeting with several African and European leaders to try and reduce the illegal migration across the Mediterranean.

The talks in Paris involves the leaders from the countries of Chad, Niger and Libya as well as Germany, Italy and Spain.

Macron is hoping that a resolution could be that all asylum claims are dealt with in Africa to reduce the number of illegal immigrants at risk crossing the Mediterranean. However, the issue with this is that Libya's political structure is unstable and security along the coastline is minimal, meaning that large numbers could still get through without undergoing the claim process.

Recent movements have shown that there are greater numbers of migrants moving from Morocco to Spain as the journey is much shorter and therefore less perilous. These talks may therefore not be tackling the larger problem as migrants will assess and find different routes to reach Europe.

For more information regarding this issue check out

Joanne Parkinson

An experienced, outstanding Geography teacher, GCSE examiner and Head of Humanities in a 11-18 school. I'm passionate about all geographical events and am a keen blogger.

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