Utility Maximisation
Standard economic theory assumes that people - operating with a limited budget - will buy goods and services with the aim of maximising utility (or satisfaction) from consumption. With a single product, total utility is maximised when marginal utility is zero. When multiple products are being chosen, the condition for maximising utility is that a consumer equalizes the marginal utility per pound spent
The condition for maximising utility is: MUA/PA = MUB/PB (Where: MU is marginal utility and P is price)
The Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
Topic Videos
- Utility Theory (AQA A-Level Economics Teaching PowerPoint)
Teaching PowerPoints
1.2.1 Utility Theory (Edexcel A-Level Economics Teaching PowerPoint)
Teaching PowerPoints
What is meant by diminishing marginal utility?
Study Notes
What is an Economic Model?
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Paradox of Value
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Marginal Utility and the Demand Curve
Topic Videos
Test 14: A Level Economics: MCQ Revision on Utility Theory
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