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Light Manufacturing

Light manufacturing refers to the production of goods that are relatively simple to make, typically involving assembly or finishing processes, but not heavy or capital-intensive production.

Light manufacturing includes a wide range of products and industries, and can be performed in both large-scale factories and small-scale workshops. Here are five examples of light manufacturing:

  1. Textile and Apparel manufacturing: The production of clothing, fabrics, and other textiles, which often involves cutting, sewing, and finishing processes.
  2. Footwear manufacturing: The production of shoes, boots, and other footwear, which often involves cutting, stitching, and finishing processes.
  3. Furniture manufacturing: The production of tables, chairs, and other furniture, which often involves cutting, shaping, and finishing wood, metal, or other materials.
  4. Toy and Sporting goods manufacturing: The production of toys, games, and sporting equipment which often involves assembling and finishing processes.
  5. Electronics assembly: The production of consumer electronics, such as smartphones, computers, and other electronic devices, which often involves assembling and testing processes.

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