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Kuznets (Pollution) Curve

The Kuznets curve for pollution is a theory that suggests that environmental pollution tends to increase as a country's income increases during the early stages of economic development, but then decreases as a country becomes more developed.

The curve is based on the idea that, as countries industrialize and urbanize, there is an increase in the production of goods and services, which can lead to an increase in pollution. However, as a country becomes more developed, there is a shift towards cleaner technologies and more stringent environmental regulations, which can help to reduce pollution.

The Kuznets curve for pollution is often represented as an inverted U-shape on a graph, with pollution increasing as a country moves up the left-hand side of the curve, and decreasing as it moves down the right-hand side.

It should be noted that the Kuznets curve for pollution is a theoretical model, and the relationship between economic development and pollution is complex and may not hold true in all cases.

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