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Unit 2 Macro: Video Clips on Unemployment

Geoff Riley

6th November 2011

I blogged last week about unemployment and made available some updated charts on unemployment for the UK and a range of other countries. Here are some short video news clips on aspects of unemployment that I have been using when teaching unemployment to AS and A2 groups. These clips provide a window on the human and social cost of high rates of unemployment and are especially useful in reinforcing the causes of unemployment and evaluation of policies likely to be most effective in bringing jobless rates down over time.

UK unemployment rising

BBC Scotland: (Oct 2011) ‘Lost generation’ fear for youth - this video actually mentions hysteresis effects - superb!

BBC News (Oct 2011) Unemployment in the UK reaches a 17-year high

BBC London: (Oct 2011) One in Ten is unemployed in London

BBC news: (Oct 2011) Youth unemployment in UK expected to reach 1m

Guardian Interactive: UK unemployment since 1984

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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