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The Google challenge - add three words!

Ben Cahill

17th December 2010

This is a great little end of term revision activity which will get your class thinking about what they have learned and putting their answers to the ultimate test - the number of hits via the google search engine.

This works by splitting your class into groups (I find that groups of 3 makes up a good size for this activity) and have them competing against each other. Give them a list of words and tell them they need to add three extra words to try and maximise the number of hits via google. The words they choose must all have some linkage in terms of economics - words such as “and” or “the” are not allowed.

Some examples…

For monopoly, (google dominant government) with 295,000 hits beats (deadweight loss quantity) with 46,600 hits.

For negative externalities, (petrol smoking government) with 149,000 hits beats (pollution tax supply) with 63,600 hits.

For elasticity of demand, (price income cross) with 1.3 million hits beats (price quantity revenue) with 682,000 hits.

You can choose to run it one term at a time or give them a time limit to do all of them - depends on your class size. I would recommend doing one or two together as a class first so all groups get some idea about whether general or specific terms are the best strategy. Typing in their answers live via the data projector is probably the teachers best strategy!


Ben Cahill

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