In the News

Tax Avoidance - Netflix pays £4m of corporation tax on revenues of over £1 billion

Graham Watson

17th October 2021

Another example here of how a large tech company is able to avoid paying tax.

In this instance, it's Netflix who paid £4m in corporation tax on revenues of £1.15bn.

Of course, the headline over-simplifies to a degree - Netflix will also pay income tax and corporation tax but it does rather seem as though the streaming giant has a low effective tax rate. And it will be interesting to see how the global minimum corporation tax affects such companies.

The average salary for employees at Netflix's main UK business is £203,000 a year.

Netflix last year added over two million new subscribers in the UK alone.

Graham Watson

Graham Watson has taught Economics for over twenty years. He contributes to tutor2u, reads voraciously and is interested in all aspects of Teaching and Learning.

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