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PNC Christmas Price Index 2014

Penny Brooks

4th December 2014

American financial services firm PNC have been producing an index of the price of Christmas for many years. They take the carol The 12 Days of Christmas, and calculate the cost of all the 'gifts' given in the carol, then create an index of how much those prices have changed over the last year. They accompany the index with a story-telling video, and they have often made an entertaining, if quirky, Christmas lesson. This year's version is, frankly, a little weird. They have created a 'story' around each of the gifts, which is supposed to bring the carol back to popularity for a new generation. The stories range from a lonely Partridge in a Pear Tree who visits all the other characters in the carol, to videos of milking maids playing a tune, leaping squirrels singing the carol, and hens forming a 'rock band'.It's also a bit clunky to work your way through. After watching the intro, if you click on the cross in the top left hand corner you will get the twelve stories to select from, each with a video which will appear underneath the selection. I can't really do justice to it all with a description - but I'm not sure it works quite as well as a Christmas lesson as it has in other years. Have a look and see what you think....perhaps I am missing the point?

Penny Brooks

Formerly Head of Business and Economics and now Economics teacher, Business and Economics blogger and presenter for Tutor2u, and private tutor

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