Exam Support

New Application Videos on Globalisation

Geoff Riley

18th March 2023

"Give Me Three" is one of my go-to revision activities when covering any topic on the micro or macro spec. If students can articulate three causes, consequences or policies and support them with evidence, they are a long way to understanding a topic ahead of an exam question. I've just added four short videos covering globalisation that I hope might be helpful.

Globalisation - Key Characteristics of Globalisation

In this short video we look at three of the main characteristics of globalisation.

Globalisation - Key Characteristics of Globalisation

Globalisation - Key Drivers of Globalisation and De-Globalisation

What are some of the main drivers of globalisation. This short video looks at three underlying causes and also covers three reasons why de-globalisation might be occurring.

Globalisation - Key Drivers of Globalisation and De-Globalisation

Globalisation - Key Benefits for Advanced and Developing Economies

In this video we consider some of the key advantages of globalisation both for high-income advanced nations and also developing / emerging countries.

Globalisation - Key Benefits for Advanced and Developing Economies

Globalisation - Key Disadvantages for Advanced and Developing Countries

In this short video we look at three downsides of globalisation for people in advanced economies and also the risks and drawbacks of globalisation for emerging / developing countries.

Globalisation - Key Disadvantages for Advanced and Developing Countries

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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